Training makes all the difference. No one loses. Staff gain more knowledge, they gain new skills, and they become more competent, as they know what to do, they become more confident, they do a good job, they are empowered, and the client, and the manager therefore have less to worry about.
know moreCPD Security Training can offer a package of tailored to your needs, or can deliver a full Training Needs Analysis to identify any shortcomings you may have. We can deliver a blended suite of topics or subjects which interlink and are naturally sequential. Contact us with your requirements.
Over 30 years of training within the public and the private world of security. At CPD Security training we believe that training makes a fantastic difference, to the staff that you manage through to the customers they interact with, making everyone feel empowered and valued.
On site we have delivered material in board rooms, break out rooms, offices, outside, and in classrooms — we love ‘face to face’. The pandemic allowed a more flexible approach when working from home and we are able to utilise tools such as Zoom and Teams to deliver training.