Intervention Calm Rapport Control

This model is appropriate for any issue when there needs to be control of a worsening situation. It relies on a staged approach of Intervention, Calm, Rapport with ultimate intention to gain Control of a situation. This model relies heavily on a good practical ability to communicate tactically, and show understanding of people’s behaviour.

Conflict resolution techniques and strategies are options that managers and team leaders can effectively utilise when managing conflict in the workplace. They are operationally proven skills used by the police, military and the private sector that work effectively! Our conflict management training is built on experience, previous training, skills and knowledge of effective performance management. If this subject is not managed, conflict can leave our staff vulnerable. It could have expensive legal consequences as people seek litigation if apparently dealt with unfairly. Managing conflict is important because a high level of negative conflict can cause employee dissatisfaction, which may lead to a higher staff turnover and potentially incident avoidance.

Intervention Calm Rapport Control

